Naikwadi Vaidyakiya Seva Sanstha, Gavtha Sinnar is established in 1999 with the Aims and Objectives to provide professional education to girls and to make them economically independent and self sufficient. To further the fine moral and cultural traditions of secular India through importing education to children in the Educational in the Educational Institution specially started by the society. To train and prepare selected students so that they may excel in their choose fields or courses.
Our Mission
To further the fine moral and cultural traditions of secular India through imparting education to children in the Educational Institution specially started by the society. To establish Schools, Nursing college and run the same no profit and no loss basis for the progressive realization of the objectives of the society.
Our Vision
All the educational institutions which have been started and run by Naikwadi Vaidyakiya Seva Sanstha Sinnar have common and broad aims and objectives. To provide a wide and a relevant education to boys and girls with a view of shaping their body and mind, thus enabling them to claim their rightful place in the modern society of challenges. To provide a balanced and life oriented educational programme by incorporating progressive techniques, learning theories, and methodologies (CHARACTER).
Our emphasis is on providing quality education for those who want to prepare themselves for Nursing.
Wishing all of you a happy & prosperous career ahead.